News updates!
Last weekend I was at A Weekend with the Authors book convention and had a blast!! There was a Western costume party on Friday night and a battle of the genres costume party on Saturday night! (see pic)
(L to R: Cassidy K. O'Connor, KJ Coakley, me, and Sheri Lyn)
We had so much fun!
This was my first book signing as an author and I couldn't have been more excited! I sat on a contemporary panel (which I totally hated, but only because I'm not a fan of public speaking), and I hosted Cards Against Humanity.
The book signing was a huge success, and I sold a ton of books!
My next event is in September. I will be signing at the Top of the Bay Luncheon and Signing in Tampa, FL. The signing itself is free, but you can also upgrade to the VIP ticket for only $20 and get lunch with the authors and early entrance into the book signing. Check out the Facebook event group!
I've also started back to writing on Secrets of Desire, Secrets Book 2! This is Connor and Bridget's story, and I can't wait for you read it. I'm hoping for a release date sometime in September!
I'll also be at the Indie (IRC) Romance Convention on Oct 6-8 in Lebanon, TN and at the Carolina Book Fest on Oct 15 in Charlotte, NC